9:00 - 12:15pm M-F
3 days • $16,500
4 days • $21,000
5 days • $24,000
9:00 - 2:15 M-Th & 9:00 - 12:15 F
3 days • $21,200
4 days • $28,500
5 days • $35,600
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm M-Th
3 days • $15,000
4 days • $17,600
9:00 - 4:30 M-Th, 9:00 - 12:15 F
3 days • $27,500
4 days • $35,500
5 days • $40,800
Add Ons
School Year Early Drop Off
8:30 am - 9:00 am
*dependant on enrollment
Monday - Thursday
June & July
$500 per week (Half Days)
$780 per week (Full Days)
*Applications Open February 17th 2025
Early Birds
Our Early Birds drop-off program runs Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 9:00 am, depending on enrollment. Families have the option of signing up for 3, 4, or 5 days per week. Please contact us if you are interested.
Morning Multiage Program
9:00 - 12:15 pm Monday-Friday
3 days • $16,500, 4 days • $21,000, 5 days • $24,000
For new children who are two years old at the start of the school year.
Our Morning Multiage Program runs five days per week and is a time of deep exploration, thoughtful questioning, and lively play. More information about the daily schedule can be found below.
The Morning Multiage Program creates a rich environment for learning through play and experience. Children’s learning styles and perspectives vary so widely in a multiage group that there is no sense of comparison or competition. Instead, there is a family-like, caring characteristic between children as they enrich each other’s learning.
We practice emergent curriculum; new studies emerge from the children's interests and play each year. Teachers infuse the curricula with the academic concepts children need to be familiar with before Kindergarten. Younger children have the opportunity to be exposed to these concepts and learn higher-level cognitive and social skills by observing and learning from older children. Older children have the opportunity to help teach the concepts that they are mastering.
Research indicates that leadership and prosocial behaviors increase in multiage classes. Older children are able to take on leadership roles and support younger children. Sharing and teaching ideas stimulates the more experienced child’s thinking and cognitive growth. Furthermore, this creates a wonderful opportunity to build a strong sense of self-confidence at an early age.
Full Day Multiage Program
9:00 - 2:15 Monday-Thursday & 9:00 - 12:15 Friday
3 days • $21,200, 4 days • $28,500, 5 days • $35,600
For children who are 2-5 years old at the start of the school year.
Our Full Day Multiage Program includes the rich morning class time with the addition of a nurturing small group experience until 2:15 pm. The Full Day Program also includes lunch and rest.
The smaller class size in the afternoon supports the blossoming of even stronger friendships and reinforces a sense of community and belonging. We begin the afternoon by enjoying lunch and having a peaceful rest before delving into our play and projects. Experiences are personalized to follow the children’s interests, and the small group setting offers opportunities to deepen our investigations and unpack more learning potential.
A core value of the program for this extended school day is to create a safe, warm and nurturing community. Children will have opportunities to organically reflect on their play, practice early literacy skills, and develop their language. Above all, we want each child to round out their day feeling nourished by the relationships they develop with their teachers, their peers, and their environment.
Full Day Multiage + Afternoons
9:00 - 4:30 Monday-Thursday, 9:00 - 12:15 Friday
3 days • $27,500, 4 days • $35,500, 5 days • $40,800
For children who are 2-5 years old at the start of the school year.
All families enrolled in the Full Day Multiage Program are offered the option to enroll in Afternoons as well, extending the school day until 4:30 pm.
Extending the day provides ample time for small group investigation and nature-based learning. Nature-based education promotes the positive development of the whole child. Our grounding value is to instill in children wonderment in and love of nature. Playing in the outdoors, planting seeds in a garden box, standing in a spring rain shower, and caring for living things are all a part of nature-based education. At Brooklyn Schoolhouse these experiences are an integral part of every child’s school day. In the afternoons, children have the opportunity to delve further into these experiences. We explore natural materials outdoors in all weather while connecting with the natural world as we grow into our roles as environmental stewards.
Our afternoons begin with projects like growing different kinds of plants and seeds, making natural plant-based dyes, and caring for school pets. These projects grow as the children share their interests and start to ask questions. Our nature exploration extends into science experiments, cooking with the produce we grow, learning about important naturalists, and reflecting our experiences in nature through artistic media. In our work we cover topics ranging from composting and recycling to basic botany to geology, all with the goal of inspiring a love of and connection to the natural world.
““If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, then let us allow them to love the earth before we ask them to save it.” - David Sobel”
Afternoon Multiage
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Monday-Thursday
3 days • $15,000, 4 days • $17,600
Our Afternoon Program runs four days per week and offers a gentle introduction to the multiage group experience by providing a nurturing, responsive environment that supports each child. The smaller class size in the afternoon supports our youngest children's independence while also facilitating leadership roles for the older children. Afternoons at Brooklyn Schoolhouse are the perfect option for families looking for a smooth, developmentally appropriate transition year before embarking on longer school days in the future.
Summer Program
Sensory Play!
Studio Art!
Construction and the Making Table!
Music and Movement!
Nature Art!
Half Day: 9:00 am - 12:15 pm - $500 per week
Full Day: 9:00 am - 12:15 pm - $780 per week
*Minimum of 3 weeks for children not enrolled at Brooklyn Schoolhouse.
For children who are 2-6 years old.
Our Summer Program is modeled after our Multiage Class plus lots of new and exciting summer elements. Each week, children collaborate on projects related to a particular theme. All areas of the classroom are open for play as children work with various materials based on the theme of the week. From building and dramatic play to art explorations and books, children imagine and create while reflecting on the varied concepts explored each week.
As summer is a time to play outside, we will spend much of our day in the yard where we can get messy! We will cool off in our sprinklers, play with bubbles, and splash in the water table.
Summer enrollment will be released in February
““Never be within doors when you can rightly be without.” - Charlotte Mason”
8:30 Early Birds Arrival
9:00 Morning and Full Day Multiage Arrival
9:15 Morning Meeting
9:30 Choice Time (or Specials such as Chess!)
10:30 Story & Snack
11:00 Outdoor Play & Gardening
11:45 Lunch
12:15 Rest (Goodbye to Half Day students)
1:00 Small Group Work
2:15 Outdoor Play (Goodbye to Full Day students)
2:30 Afternoon Multiage Arrival, Outdoor Play, & Nature Based Activities
3:15 Choice Time
4:00 Snack
4:15 Songs, Movement, & Story
4:30 Goodbye
The classroom, materials, and explorations are tailored to each child's interests and developmental stage. The teachers begin the school year by carefully arranging the classroom with various areas of interest: dramatic play, a reading corner, a sensory table, a block-building area, a drawing and writing center, and a clay table. For the first four to six weeks of school, while the children explore the classroom, the teachers are focused on getting to know the children, helping them get to know each other, and documenting their interests. We look for recurring themes in their play, and interesting questions and ideas that arise. Teachers meet weekly and discuss their documentation of the children’s interests, and begin to develop curricula from there.
We are always asking questions about the meaning and values of the work we are doing with children, and responding to the children by planning, posing questions, and presenting the children with new materials and challenges.
Please take a look at the following examples of how we develop learning experiences:
Children work with our year-round school garden in our side yard. The class participates in larger weekly garden projects as well as spends time outdoors daily. Additionally, natural materials are woven into the children’s work and play in the classroom. The garden presents a wonderful opportunity for children to interact directly with the elements - soil, water, and sunshine - to understand how these forces help plants grow and provide the food we eat. Throughout the year, children cook with the seasonal produce they harvest from the garden, sampling new flavors, and textures with teachers and classmates. During cooking projects, snack time, and lunchtime children place food scraps into the school compost as the class learns what materials to divert from the landfill and instead feed to the school worms!
We also seek to bring families into our learning endeavors as much as possible. Teachers post regularly on a class blog, which parents may access at any time, to read about their children’s lives at school and post feedback and ideas. Parents are encouraged to join us at school to contribute to special projects.